Sentence example with the word 'jollies'


bang, charge, flush, leathernecks, marines, rush, sea soldiers, shiver, surge of emotion, tingle, titillation, tremor of excitement

Last update: September 11, 2015


(We'd like it better if you spread Your jollies through th' year.')   [Please select]


He doesn't ask for praise, For jollies, or for guff; He gave because this land gave him A _chance_--which was enough.   [Please select]


Dick gets kinder peeved with her sometimes when she jollies him.   [Please select]


She coldly ignored his "jollies," for it was difficult for Langford to be pleasing even when he tried to be pleasant, took his order, and proceeded on her way.   [Please select]


"He jollies me occasionally, just to show there's no hard feeling; then he jollies the governor; and when I saw our mother footing it on his arm this afternoon I almost fell in a faint."   [Please select]

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jollier - jollies - jolliest