Sentence example with the word 'suffrages'


Last update: July 25, 2015


It remained for me to win the suffrages of Boston, and I secured them, first having made stops in Brooklyn, New Haven, and Hartford.   [Please select]


Lombardy had united with Piedmont soon after the victory at Solferino, by the suffrages of its inhabitants.   [Please select]


The men "who killed the Liberator" could never again hope to carry with them the suffrages of any number of their countrymen.   [Please select]


The projected law, submitted to the suffrages of the people, attacked by Catulus and Q.   [Please select]


He would make all offices elective, but only by the suffrages of the better part of the people.   [Please select]


Elle a donné lieu à bien des controverses, et aucune opinion n'a encore conquis l'unanimité des suffrages.   [Please select]


The dean of the faculty of theology was chosen by the suffrages of the doctors.   [Please select]


"The people, especially the business men of the country," says Elson, "were utterly weary of the agitation and they gave their suffrages to the party that promised them rest."   [Please select]


Upon his own showing must not his 'truth' depend on the number of suffrages, and be more or less true in proportion as he has more or fewer of them.   [Please select]

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suffrage - suffrages - suffragette