This fruitful region, however, was covered with villages till the frightful devastations of the 18th century; and even now it is, comparatively speaking, well cultivated. [Please select]
INSECTS--TO KEEP AWAY The common elder is a great safeguard against the devastations of insects. [Please select]
Very mischievous devastations and encroachments were nevertheless still continued. [Please select]
Central Europe did not fully recover from these robberies and devastations for a century. [Please select]
In the end five-sixths of the birds had succumbed to the devastations of disease. [Please select]
Edmund therefore solicited and obtained permission to march with his band to endeavour to check the plundering bands of Danes, who were already committing devastations throughout the country. [Please select]
Rip Van Winkle, with the devastations and dilapidations of five-and-twenty years hanging about him, did not present a more forlorn appearance than did this representative of the Confederate army. [Please select]
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