Sentence example with the word 'avocations'


Last update: August 29, 2015


Of Stevenson's daily avocations, and of the temper of his mind through these years of romantic exile, a clear idea may be obtained by the posthumous Vailima Letters, edited by Mr Sidney Colvin in 1895.   [Please select]


"Hims got 'nuff of impoodidence," said the interpreter, as he bustled about his avocations.'   [Please select]


But, my dear, we are perhaps detaining this worthy lady from her domestic avocations.   [Please select]


It was early forenoon, and they were alone--all the other men being out on various avocations.   [Please select]


The Shawnee Indians had left their wigwams to engage in their daily avocations.   [Please select]


He couldn't go about his customary cheerful avocations--he wanted spirit for them--but it mattered the less that it was Tackleton's wedding-day, and he had arranged to make his rounds by proxy.   [Please select]

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