In this edition the fragmentary and jerky arrangement, the intricate style, and a peculiar and often purely conventional terminology seriously checked the diffusion of the work, which accordingly was little studied in Italy and remained almost unknown to the rest of Europe. [Please select]
The train made a jerky halt. [Please select]
He came easily enough till his tail cleared the water; then the wiggling, jerky strain was too much. [Please select]
"My dear girl," she began, and the old nervous, jerky manner showed itself again, momentarily,--"remember that." [Please select]
They swam just as butterflies fly, with a darting, jerky motion, and called a merry "Good morning." [Please select]
At the same moment some one out in the yard said in a harsh jerky voice, "Where are we going to settle." [Please select]
His legs were stiff, imparting a halting, jerky motion to his gait. [Please select]
He rose with a jerky movement, which gave him the appearance of a little figure shot out of a box. [Please select]
This is no cartage by a team hauling in the open, but a jerky removal, the work of invisible levers. [Please select]
When approached it conceals itself in the bush, and when flying progresses by a series of short jerky undulations, the wings producing a loud humming sound. [Please select]
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