Sentence example with the word 'worldliness'


Definition n. the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated and worldly through cultivation or experience or disillusionment

Last update: September 30, 2015


On the other hand, in spite of his worldliness, Leo was not an unbeliever; he prayed, fasted, and participated in the services of the church with conscientiousness.   [Please select]


There is a speculative detachment from life which is less courageous, even if more noble, than worldliness.   [Please select]


"I shall never again deny that the root of the matter is in the man, although much choked with the tares of worldliness and Arminianism."   [Please select]


Urian Oakes's election sermon of 1670 in Cambridge is a condemnation of the prevalent worldliness and ostentation.   [Please select]


This spirit of scepticism was favored by the tide of worldliness and prosperity which followed the Persian War.   [Please select]


It was not until he had spent a full hour in doleful self-commiseration, that his sense of worldliness came to his relief.   [Please select]


This threat of worldliness brought a revelation that they must seek greater seclusion.   [Please select]


Adair, the wealthy aunt aforesaid, pounced down on White Sands in a glamour of fashion and culture and outer worldliness.   [Please select]


She was the only woman in the house without that hateful stamp of worldliness and affectation.   [Please select]


"I sometimes think his worldliness is only a big bluff," she said at last.   [Please select]


And she knew now that, in spite of her clearness of vision, the worldliness which had ruined her life was still bound up in all that was essential and endurable in her nature.   [Please select]

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worldlier - worldliness - worldling