Sentence example with the word 'somewhen'


Last update: June 25, 2015


Somewhen at last the southward drift of the Amerindians must have met and mingled with the eastward, canoe-borne drift of the heliolithic culture.   [Please select]


His meats we have already glanced at; but somewhen between 10,000 B.   [Please select]


We do not know what led to the disaster nor who inflicted it; but somewhen about 1400 B.   [Please select]


In Haarlem, one Coster was printing from movable type somewhen before 1446.   [Please select]


” There is a diagnosis of the intellectual decadence of the age in a treatise upon the sublime by a Greek writer who wrote somewhen in the second, third, or fourth century A.   [Please select]


They appeared somewhen about the end of the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries in Greece, where they were believed to be Egyptians (hence Gipsy), a very general persuasion which they themselves accepted and disseminated.   [Please select]

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somewhat - somewhen - somewhere