Sentence example with the word 'vacillating'


adrift, deviable, flighty, impetuous, libratory, pendulating, shapeless, toying, unrestrained, variable, wanton

Definition adj. uncertain in purpose or action

Last update: October 5, 2015


Later on he attempted to influence the Prussian Northern Union in the direction of the national policy, and he took part in the sessions of the Erfurt parliament; but, soon realizing the hopelessness of any good results from the vacillating policy of Prussia, he retired from the contest, and, as a major in the service of the SchleswigHolstein government, took part in the Danish War of 1850.   [Please select]


She was timid and vacillating from wifely habit, whilst motherly anxiety goaded her to be persistent and almost irritable on the subject.   [Please select]


On one side of him was a veering and vacillating Government; on the other, a frenzied enthusiast.   [Please select]


Hence the crudity and incongruity of his text, his vacillating opinions, and the weakness and poverty of his annotation.   [Please select]


He is under the impression that he has heart disease, and it makes him timid and vacillating.   [Please select]


Crawford, who was of a weak, vacillating temper, executed the will.   [Please select]


Honest, but vacillating, he was unconsciously the instrument of those who flattered him.   [Please select]


But Cato mainly decided the vacillating majority of the Senate by words the most calculated to influence his auditors.   [Please select]


For thus it is ever in the uncertain domain of the intellect, apparently the most vacillating and precarious condition of matter.   [Please select]


My judgment now is that he was vacillating and undecided in his actions.   [Please select]


He had always been vacillating, but at last he saw the necessities of Italy and recognized the spirit of the times.   [Please select]

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