Definitionn. large whale with a large cavity in the head containing spermaceti and oil
Last update: November 1, 2015
The edentates are represented by the pangolin (Manis sp.?) of the Palawan group. In the seas are found the dolphin, cachalot and dugong. [Please select]
The sperm whale, or cachalot, has teeth in its lower jaw, and no whalebone whatever. [Please select]
_)] SPERM WHALE (T) _Physeter catodon_ Linnaeus 1758 Other Common Names Cachalot, Sea Wap (St. [Please select]
The enormous Cachalot, with its vast teeth implanted only in one jaw, is generally understood to prey chiefly on the Cuttlefish. [Please select]
[Illustration: THE CACHALOT] In this way it spouts the water in beautiful jets from twenty to thirty feet in height. [Please select]
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