Sentence example with the word 'squinch'


Definition n. a small arch built across the interior angle of two walls

Last update: October 22, 2015


"She's a plagued sight too pale and squinched-up for my taste--for all her fine air."   [Please select]


Den a squinch-owl lit on de koam er de house, en de nigger jam de shovel in de fier en make 'im flew away.'   [Please select]


Oh, honey, w'en you year de squinch owl a hootin'-- (Hey O.)   [Please select]


De squinch owl shiver like he wanter go ter bed; Ho my Riley.   [Please select]


As he glanced at her now, she remembered her manners and dropped him a courtesy--an electric, half-defiant jerk that reminded The Laird of a similar greeting customarily extended by squinch-owls.   [Please select]


Lone Wolf and his men will swallow you down without winkin', and then be mad that there ain't somethin' left to squinch thar hunger.   [Please select]

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squills - squinch - squinched