Werewolves age very quickly until puberty, then the process slows exponentially. [Please select]
It slows to in front of the house. [Please select]
The driver, on approaching C's distant, sees it at danger, and slows down, stopping at the home. [Please select]
A PSM model is very efficient, but, because it is invariant, it slows down the evolution. [Please select]
In mature trees growth slows; age is likely to be underestimated rather than overestimated in those of exceptionally large size. [Please select]
So he modifies the respiration, changes the heart beat, stimulates or slows the circulation of the blood, paralyzes the muscles, etc. [Please select]
Minor growth-rings form when growth slows or temporarily stops during periods of quiescence; no new layer of epidermis is formed. [Please select]
Growth is rapid at first (increments in plastral length average 68, 29, and 18 per cent, respectively, in the first three years) and then slows gradually until puberty. [Please select]
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