Sentence example with the word 'roundabout'


O-shaped, circumambages, convolutional, enclosing, fouled up, many-faceted, outermost, pudgy, rundle, swing, whip

Definition adj. marked by obliqueness or indirection in speech or conduct

Last update: June 13, 2015


Stars all around suns turn roundabout.   [adjective]


He took a roundabout route to reach the theatre.   [adjective]


The Old English "books" are derived in a roundabout way from Roman models, and the tribal law of real property was deeply modified by the introduction of individualistic notions as to ownership, donations, wills, rights of women, &c. Yet in this respect also the Norman Conquest increased the store of Roman conceptions by breaking the national isolation of the English Church and opening the way for closer intercourse with France and Italy.   [Please select]


They had had to take roundabout lanes, avoiding the main highways.   [Please select]


And there were the neighbors roundabout--the Talbotts, Quisenberrys, Clays, Prestons, Morgans--surely no less than forty strong, and all for dinner.   [Please select]


The two supporting columns had already started on their roundabout way to the rear of the Palace.   [Please select]


"Roundabout trail, an' rough, but you'll make it in one day, easy."   [Please select]


He did it in a roundabout way, with one of his droll, hesitating smiles.   [Please select]

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round - roundabout - roundabouts