Sentence example with the word 'reformations'


Last update: July 10, 2015


On the other hand there were movements, such as the Waldensian, the Wycliffite and Hussite,which are often described as "reformations anticipating the Reformation" which "set out from the Augustinian conception of the Church, but took exception to the development of the conception," and were pronounced by the medieval church as heretical for (1) "contesting the hierarchical gradation of the priestly order; or (2) giving to the religious idea of the Church implied in the thought of predestination a place superior to the conception of the empirical Church; or (3) applying to the priests, and thereby to the authorities of the Church, the test of the law of God, before admitting their right to exercise, as holding the keys, the power of binding and loosing" (Harnack's History of Dogma, vi.   [Please select]


The reformations that men are always attempting in the social, religious, political, and industrial world are but attempts to change the flavor or quality of the fruit when it is ripening on the tree.   [Please select]


Dickinson warned the people that the British Ministry were starting special regulations for new colonies and "designing the strictest reformations in the old."   [Please select]


He left a legacy to his successors which makes them still potent on the earth, in spite of reformations and revolutions, and all the triumphs of literature and science.   [Please select]


This is the fundamental thought at the root of most revolutions and reformations and revivals, and the thought is therefore a necessary and a just one.   [Please select]

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reformation - reformations - reformatories