Sentence example with the word 'swales'


Last update: October 12, 2015


The forest on the whole held to the level, open character, but there were swales and stream-beds breaking up its regular conformity.   [Please select]


She led across bogs, brooks, swales, rocky little ridges, through stretches of timber and groves of aspen so thick Helen could scarcely squeeze through.   [Please select]


_Dulus_ is described by Wetmore and Swales (1931:349) as having only a variety of rather harsh chattering notes in chorus.   [Please select]


According to Wetmore and Swales (1931:349), berries, fruits, and parts of flowers are eaten.   [Please select]


All that immense slope of timbered ridges, benches, ravines, and swales west of Buffalo Park was exceedingly wild and rough country.   [Please select]


No detailed study of the nesting of _Dulus_ has been reported, although Wetmore and Swales (1931) have described carefully the large communal nest of this genus.   [Please select]

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swale - swales - swallow