Sentence example with the word 'rails'


Definition n. a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll

Last update: August 16, 2015


There are many other important points of crane construction too numerous to mention here, but it may be said generally that the advent of electricity has tended to increase speeds, and in consequence great attention is paid to all details that reduce friction and wear, such as roller and ball bearings and improved methods of lubrication; and, as in all other quick-running machinery, great stress has to be laid on accuracy of workmanship. The machinery, thus being of a higher class, requires more protection, and cranes that work in the open are now fitted with elaborate crane-houses or cabins, furnished with weather-tight doors and windows, and more care is taken to provide proper platforms, hand-rails and ladders of access, and also guards for the revolving parts of gearing.   [Please select]


Our place was taken at the communion rails.   [Please select]


The speaker came forward and leaned on the rails.   [Please select]


Red rails fly spacewards.   [Please select]


The slave was given his task at splitting rails.   [Please select]


"To make posts and rails to fence in more ground."   [Please select]


The men on either side manipulated the pump by jerking the hand-rails up and down.   [Please select]


The foremen walked back and forth between the rails, as if on quarter-decks, exhorting their men.   [Please select]


Soon she said: "There's a bitter wind blowing and there's no great hurry about the rails, I guess."   [Please select]


You know I can split rails about as fast as the next man and I'll take my pay in wheat or corn.'   [Please select]


* * * * * Many days thereafter Abe and Harry and Samson were out in the woods together splitting rails and making firewood.   [Please select]

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railroads - rails - railway