Sentence example with the word 'abysm'


Definition n. a bottomless gulf or pit

Last update: July 4, 2015


The second method is to work out by slow and sure steps the lines of descent of the different families, orders, and classes, and so either to arrive at the ancestral form of each class, or to plot out the curve of evolution, which may then legitimately be projected into "the dark backward and abysm of time."   [Please select]


What see'st thou else In the dark backward and abysm of time.'   [Please select]


Through drifts of snow and over fields of ice, up steep ledges, along the slippery escarpment that overhangs the giddy abysm, with wearied knees, and panting breath, and frozen fingers, onward and upward I go.   [Please select]


Anisty, as presented by the Sketch-Artist-on-the-Spot, to some one whom he, Maitland, had known in the dark backwards and abysm of time, merely drew from him the comment: "Homely brute."   [Please select]

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abuzz - abysm - abysmal