Sentence example with the word 'psychophysical'


Last update: October 30, 2015


The theory of psychophysical parallelism has been subjected to a rigorous examination in James Ward's Naturalism and Agnosticism, part iii., in which the argument that mind cannot be derived from matter is convincingly presented.   [Please select]


The modern doctrine of psychophysical parallelism is not appreciably different from this theory of the Cartesian school.   [Please select]


Even where superficially a certain similarity between the technical factors exists, the psychophysical conditions may be essentially different.   [Please select]


Tue history of technique shows on every page this practical adjustment of external labor conditions to the psychophysical necessities and psychophysical demands.   [Please select]


A stronger psychophysical excitement is necessary in order to secure the innervation of the big muscles in the central nervous system.   [Please select]


Labor with the large muscles has, for these psychophysical reasons, never been easily combined with the subtler training of the finer muscles.   [Please select]

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psychopathy - psychophysical - psychophysically