Sentence example with the word 'minutely'


a bit, by an ace, especially, exquisitely, imperfectly, inappreciably, little, not hardly, refinedly, singly, to be specific, with precision

Definition adv. in minute detail

Last update: June 26, 2015


Rice-flour, very minutely powdered and colored by carmine, into the   [Please select]


He organized them as minutely as he had ever organized a conquering army.   [Please select]


Hugo's relations with Sainte-Beuve justified the latter even in thinking such thoughts as these, one need not inquire too minutely.   [Please select]


To paint birds that we may show how minutely we can paint, is among the most contemptible occupations of art.   [Please select]


Robert was conscious all the while that the brilliant blue eyes were examining him minutely.   [Please select]


The populace rushed to the place, and having minutely examined it, were convinced of their own absurdity and the prince's innocence.   [Please select]

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minuted - minutely - minuteman