Sentence example with the word 'numbering'


accounting, census, containing, covering, embracing, enclosing, enumeration, foliation, inclusive, inventorying, numeration, quantification, tallying

Definition n. a numbered list

Last update: August 4, 2015


Sir Daniel will be right well content," observed the priest, inwardly numbering the troop."   [Please select]


=--Numbering only about one-fourth of the population in Texas, they raised the standard of revolt in 1836 and summoned a convention.   [Please select]


Early in August, 1862, he ordered a draft of militiamen numbering 300,000 for nine months' service.   [Please select]


They had reduced to political servitude all the employees of the department, numbering about two thousand.   [Please select]


POWER-LOOM WEAVING AND YARN NUMBERING, According to Various Systems, with Conversion Tables.   [Please select]


At three o'clock in the afternoon the column, numbering about three hundred, marched from the fort with drums beating and colors flying.'   [Please select]


We hear very little of our war of 1861-1865, that cost us $8,000,000,000 with killed and wounded numbering some 700,000.   [Please select]


The baleen plates, here partly buried in the sand, numbering from 318 to 340 per side and uniform dark gray with fine lighter gray bristles, continue to serve as identifying characteristics even on a badly decomposed specimen.   [Please select]


If Red Feather spoke the truth, the rest of his band, numbering fully a score, were twenty miles distant, and were not likely to appear in that part of the country.   [Please select]

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numbered - numbering - numberless