Sentence example with the word 'mercilessness'


Definition n. feelings of extreme heartlessness

Last update: July 18, 2015


Merciful in its mercilessness, the hard-driven right front wheel smote the silky golden head with a force that left no terrible instant of fear or of agony.   [Please select]


Given the premises, he would follow out their implications with the mercilessness of a medieval monk, and when he had reached the last limits of argument, be ready to maintain whatever propositions he might find there with his dying breath.   [Please select]


The mercilessness of nature about them, of heat and cold, rain and snow; the mercilessness of the city, of the country in which they lived, of its laws and customs that they did not understand.   [Please select]

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mercilessly - mercilessness - mercurial