Sentence example with the word 'necessitating'


Last update: July 9, 2015


Prior to its construction, a school bus could only pass over it empty, necessitating the children to alight, walk, and rejoin their transportation of the far side.   [Please select]


A hard soil, necessitating the removal of the body, is not the only difficulty familiar to the Necrophori.   [Please select]


This was a most faulty arrangement, necessitating frequent and long delays, and entailing almost certain disaster.   [Please select]


Gusts of wind blew the flames in sudden puffs, necessitating quick snatching away of garments in the danger zone.   [Please select]


A hard soil, necessitating the removal of the body, is not the only difficulty with which the Necrophori are acquainted.   [Please select]


The contrivance he is trying to complete will not limit the output, but will triple it, necessitating the employment of more men.   [Please select]


For instance, Coleman this morning had a horse step on his foot, necessitating Larry's going on.   [Please select]


Maud went to it and found that the ground sloped sharply away from this side of the house, necessitating a flight of several steps.   [Please select]


Not that he was at all alarmed by the familiar incident, but being a change of subject it became more absorbingly interesting than the conversation, besides necessitating some active precautions.   [Please select]

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necessitates - necessitating - necessitation