The irrigated area is divided into districts, in each of which is an overseer and a staff of watchmen to see to the opening and shutting of the modules (see Hydraulics, §§ 54 to 56) which deliver the water into the minor channels. [Please select]
Each of the intercolumniations, except those in the middle, will measure two modules and a quarter. [Please select]
The middle intercolumniations in front and in the rear will each measure three modules. [Please select]
The columns themselves will be nine modules and a half in height. [Please select]
The thickness of the columns will be two modules, and their height, including the capitals, fourteen. [Please select]
The height of a capital will be one module, and its breadth two and one sixth modules. [Please select]
By this I mean the selection of modules from the members of the work itself and, starting from these individual parts of members, constructing the whole work to correspond. [Please select]
Above the architrave, the triglyphs and metopes are to be placed: the triglyphs one and one half modules high, and one module wide in front. [Please select]
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