Definitionn. someone who is the first to think of or make something
Last update: July 9, 2015
We have many skilled artificers in India. [Please select]
With him the reciprocal action of mind and body is altogether denied; they resemble two clocks, so made by the artificer as to strike the same hour together. [Please select]
The artificer in mud and the artificer in wax obey the same tendency: they economize. [Please select]
Dædalus (= cunning artificer) was a sort of personified summary of mechanical skill. [Please select]
And she called to Vulcan, the divine artificer, "Come hither, Vulcan." [Please select]
Dædalus, grandson of a king of Athens, was the greatest artificer of his day. [Please select]
An artificer, who handles only dead matter, may be disappointed of his aim, as well as the politician, who directs the conduct of sensible and intelligent agents. [Please select]
The poorest artificer, who labours alone, expects at least the protection of the magistrate, to ensure him the enjoyment of the fruits of his labour. [Please select]
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