In fact, it was a noisy jollification and many people were shocked. [Please select]
Sometimes, when the marines or sailors had any special jollification, they were permitted to invite "Plain-Buttons," as they called him. [Please select]
"Not a bit; we'll have a real jollification, because Nancy has some good news to tell you."' [Please select]
"The dinner isn't quite appropriate for a jollification," Kitty observed anxiously. [Please select]
We have tennis, golf, picnics, sails, and constant jollification, but I don't seem to enjoy it all as I did last summer. [Please select]
The people made a great public holiday of it and there was much feasting, dancing, fireworks, speech-making and jollification. [Please select]
We had a midnight lunch too after all the jollification and when we sallied forth it was blue o'clock the morning after the night before.' [Please select]
Captain Sharp bought the dog, paying forty pieces of eight for him, with the understanding that the money should go into the "jollification fund." [Please select]
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