Such intrepidity is certainly worthy of passing notice. [Please select]
But her tightly compressed lips showed that she lacked both Fran's teeth and Fran's intrepidity. [Please select]
It is only in view of this circumstance, that his intrepidity can be appreciated. [Please select]
Their courage, fidelity, zeal, learning, and intrepidity for half a century, have not been exaggerated. [Please select]
They both suffered with great intrepidity, and the friends of liberty have ever since cherished their memory with peculiar fondness. [Please select]
, had displayed so much enterprise and intrepidity, very soon disdained business, and abandoned herself to luxury and pleasure. [Please select]
The keeper recovered his character; and, as a recompense for his sufferings and intrepidity, had an annuity settled on him for life. [Please select]
I know of no man who equalled him in intrepidity, and in a far-reaching policy. [Please select]
An astonishing intrepidity induced him to speak to her after a lapse of five or six minutes, and so surprising was the impulse that he blurted out his question without preamble. [Please select]
The princess was astonished at his intrepidity, and said a thousand things to dissuade him from it, but all in vain. [Please select]
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