address, conge, eulogy, forensic address, inaugural, leave-taking, pep talk, public speech, salutatory address, speechification, valediction
Definitionadj. of or relating to an occasion or expression of farewell
Last update: August 11, 2015
The students stayed for the valedictory function. [Please select]
The student's leader spoke in their valedictory. [Please select]
At the Ecole des Chartes, where his career was remarkably brilliant, his valedictory thesis was an Essai sur les revenus publics en Normandie au XII' siècle (1849), and it was to the history of his native province that he devoted his early works. [Please select]
"It's as good as getting the valedictory," said Joe Stone. [Please select]
Without evincing any inclination to come in again, he there delivered his valedictory remarks. [Please select]
Besides, I delivered the valedictory--say, what are we waiting here for. [Please select]
And this was all his valedictory to a vanished competence. [Please select]
This valedictory strikes with stern hammer-stroke the subject of his thoughts. [Please select]
And might not her letter, when it did come, be a valedictory. [Please select]
Garrison closed his relations with the _Journal of the Times_, March 27, 1829, and delivered his valedictory to its readers. [Please select]
The searching parties construed this speech as a sort of valedictory to them as, indeed, the captain intended it--and greeted it with a cheer. [Please select]
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