Sentence example with the word 'inditing'


Last update: September 27, 2015


In this, his work was the summarizing and inditing of the official letters and dispatches of the Holy See, combined with the functions of confidential secretary.   [Please select]


Those he wrote about Gerakov: 'Lectures for the corps inditing'.   [Please select]


At times he talks as Flora MacIvor talked to young Waverley; at other times like Thomas Carlyle inditing a Latter-day Pamphlet.   [Please select]


While Wilkinson was inditing these misleading missives to the President, he was preparing the way for his entry at New Orleans.   [Please select]


Thenceforward until middle May I gave my time largely to the inditing of letters for the Senator in Van Buren's behalf.   [Please select]


Besides, he was half-way through with an ode he was inditing to Republican simplicity.   [Please select]


Indeed, I strongly suspect that he was in the habit of inditing his memoirs, at night, in some gutter or another, by the light of his own phosphorescent eyes.   [Please select]

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indited - inditing - individual