Sentence example with the word 'fearfulness'


Definition n. an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger

Last update: October 8, 2015


I looked with sympathetic awe and fearfulness upon the man, who in mid-winter just landed from a four years' dangerous voyage, could so unrestingly push off again for still another tempestuous term.   [Please select]


"Yes," said John, playing with fire, and finding therein a heady mixture of fearfulness and joy.   [Please select]


This fearfulness of the open characterizes the moose in all places and seasons.   [Please select]


Those who have not felt it know not the fearfulness of waiting for an Indian attack.   [Please select]


On her face, too, were uncertainty, fearfulness, and infinite longing.   [Please select]


The good looks, which had been almost hidden behind a veil of uncertainty of expression and strained fearfulness, became obvious.   [Please select]


Fearfulness that delay might render Sumter impregnable lay back of Beauregard's formal demand, on the 11th of April, for the surrender of the fort.   [Please select]

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fearfully - fearfulness - fearing