Sentence example with the word 'dissentients'


Last update: August 28, 2015


In 1870 the Liberal party, which had been in power for thirteen years, was overthrown by a union of the Catholics with a number of Liberal dissentients to whom the policy of the government had given offence, and a Catholic cabinet, at the head of which was Baron Jules Joseph d'Anethan, took office.   [Please select]


The motion having been seconded, was put, and declared to be carried, with only three dissentients.   [Please select]


Only a few people too old to move and a few dissentients remained in the town, which was occupied by the Persians and burnt.   [Please select]


To Voltaire official Christianity was “_l’infâme_”; something that limited people’s lives, interfered with their thoughts, persecuted harmless dissentients.   [Please select]

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dissentient - dissentients - dissenting