(or 4.5 milreis to the pound sterling) and the conto of reis (moo milreis) are used for the calculation of large sums. Gold pieces of 10, 5, 2 and 1 milreis were coined up to 1891; 10, 5, and 2 testoon (testdo) pieces, worth respectively 1000, 500 and 200 reis, are coined in silver; testoons of Ioo reis and half testoons of 50 reis, in nickel; pieces of 20, 10 and 5 reis in bronze. [Please select]
_ Il signor Cesare si rende conto dell'impazienza dei viaggiatori del treno 105, e da quell'uomo[XI. [Please select]
When I found it, I danced a hornpipe all round the room and went straight off to Conto and Blag. [Please select]
Il cielo era nuvoloso e solcato da spessi lampi; ma con mio stupore il mare si conservava abbastanza tranquillo, nè io sapevo rendermi conto di ciò che era avvenuto. [Please select]
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