Sentence example with the word 'console'


animate, calm, comfort, echo, give comfort, housing, manual, piano keys, reassure, solace, sympathize with, wireless set

Last update: June 20, 2015


He consoled her when her father passed away.   [verb]


The central console sees the display for the stereo, with the sat nav on top followed by the air conditioning system.   [verb]


The organ is situated at the east end of the south choir aisle, with the attached console facing east.   [verb]


But Carne, for many good reasons--which occurred to his mind long afterwards--controlled his fury, and consoled his self-respect by repaying in kind the contempt he received.   [verb]


Twemlow's cheeks as she spoke of her mysterious affliction; and her husband, who knew that she was not weak-minded, consoled her by sharing her sorrow.   [verb]


Our mutual hatred was again concealed beneath an access of sensual desire, and I again consoled myself with the reflection that these scenes were reparable faults.   [verb]


I sought to console her by maintaining silence in regard to her parents.   [verb]


The party against whom judgment was awarded consoled himself by observing, 'She (i.')   [verb]


Alice remained sobbing in Edward's arms, and Edith in Humphrey's, and it was long before the brothers could console them.   [verb]


Alice and Edith kissed her and consoled her, and she became calm again.   [verb]


And as Edward prayed, little Clara knelt and sobbed, while Alice caressed her with her arm round her waist, and stopped at times her prayer to kiss and console her.   [verb]

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consolatory - console - consoled