Sentence example with the word 'mercuric'


Definition adj. of or containing mercury

Last update: August 30, 2015


When cyanogen is prepared by heating mercuric cyanide, a residue known as para-cyanogen, (CN)x, is left; this is to be regarded as a polymer of cyanogen.   [Please select]


Cases of mercurial poisoning sometimes follow disinfection of cattle stables with the usual 1 to 1,000 solution of mercuric chlorid.   [Please select]


(4) Mercuric chlorid, or corrosive sublimate, is a powerful disinfectant, but it is likewise very poisonous; hence its uses are limited.   [Please select]


It was much more threatening to the mercuric Gallic spirit than the shouting of the French was to the unemotional English disposition.   [Please select]


Mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate) is most extensively used for the production of mercury soaps.   [Please select]


Mercuric chloride, 1 part; cupric sulphate, 10 parts; zinc sulphate, 50 parts; sodium chloride, 65 parts; water to make 1,000 parts.   [Please select]


It is based upon the fact that mercuric fulminate, when heated with a large volume of water under high pressure, splits up into metallic mercury and non-explosive mercurial compounds of unknown composition.   [Please select]

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mercurially - mercuric - mercury