Drilophagus and Albertia are parasitic on the surface or within the gut of Naid Oligochaete worms: Seisonaceae are ectoparasitic on the Crustacean Nebalia, Proales werneckii forms galls within the Conferva Vaucheria, and P. parasita infests the central jelly of the Phytoflagellate Volvox; P. petromyzon is a frequent commensal in the gill cavity of some Cladoceran Crustacean Eurycereus lamellatus. [Please select]
STEPHENSON, "On some aquatic Oligochæte worms commensal in _Spongilla carteri_," _ibid. [Please select]
It is doubtful whether any animals live in a truly commensal relationship with _spectabilis_, but of not unfriendly associates there are a great number. [Please select]
Possibly this flagellate was a parasite rather than a commensal, as the individual on which it swarmed was unusually emaciated and colourless, and bore neither gonads nor buds. [Please select]
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