Sentence example with the word 'provenance'


beginning, conception, fountain, grass roots, inception, original, provenience, radix, root, stem, taproot, wellspring

Definition n. where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence

Last update: July 21, 2016


Almost all languages are provenance of sanskrit.   [noun]


The exact geographic provenance of this specimen is seemingly unknown.   [Please select]


Anon cometh a white rag thinly from the inner tent--mark her provenance.   [Please select]


The provenance of this specimen is not known, for it was discovered aboard a ship near the mouth of the Mississippi River.   [Please select]


However, specimens and specific locality records from this extensive area seem to be scarce and some are based on early collections of doubtful provenance.   [Please select]


The evidence linking the name _ornata_ with the New Mexican subspecies is tenuous; there is some doubt as to the provenance of U.   [Please select]

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proven - provenance - provender