Definitionn. immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence
Last update: August 15, 2015
Such a culture could well lead to genuine learner autonomy in a way that enforced learner training ca n't. [noun]
Emmanuel Kant brought the Enlightenment to its head by insisting on the moral autonomy of man. [noun]
Autonomy is necessary for success. [noun]
That individual INDEPENDENCE, or the autonomy of the private reason, originating in the difference in talents and capacities, can exist without danger within the limits of the law. [noun]
Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, and other comrades joined the group AUTONOMY, in which Joseph Peukert, Otto Rinke, and Claus Timmermann played an active part. [noun]
His policy was to establish a strong central government, and he became the head of a party known as Unitarians in contradistinction to their opponents, who were styled Federalists, their aim being to main taro to the utmost the local autonomy of the various provinces. [Please select]
The royal decree conceding autonomy to Puerto Rico was signed on November 25, 1897. [Please select]
These Serbs were directly dependent on Budapest, the only autonomy they possessed being ecclesiastical. [Please select]
They had fixed for the city certain immunities and well-defined spheres of autonomy. [Please select]
These are the principal encroachments made by the Government upon the autonomy of the party. [Please select]
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