Definitionn. (botany) a tiny outgrowth on the surface of a petal or leaf
Last update: June 27, 2015
H, Papilla of the smaller nephridium, which is only represented by dotted outlines. [Please select]
Genital papilla: in some Smynthurids, a tubercular elevation upon which the genital aperture opens. [Please select]
Papilla: a minute, soft projection: specifically the modified ligula in silk spinning caterpillars. [Please select]
That this papilla is a rudiment of a stamen was well shown by its various degrees of development in crossed plants between the common and the peloric Antirrhinum. [Please select]
); and as the papilla, which is first formed, consists of undeveloped cellular tissue like that forming an ordinary bud, the expression is apparently correct. [Please select]
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