Sentence example with the word 'applicants'


Last update: September 14, 2015


The general assembly reviews all the work of the Church; settles controversies; makes administrative laws; directs and stimulates missionary and other spiritual work; appoints professors of theology; admits to the ministry applicants from other churches; hears and decides complaints, references and appeals which have come up through the inferior courts; and takes cognizance of all matters connected with the Church's interests or with the general welfare of the people.   [Please select]


This 25 per cent of the applicants do not deserve any blame.   [Please select]


We have rejected three applicants for it on account of unsatisfactory penmanship.   [Please select]


The grounds, halls, stairways, closets, are filled with applicants who render ingress and egress difficult.   [Please select]


An Examining Committee had been appointed to scrutinize the applicants.   [Please select]


The applicants now began to come, and the Committee began its discriminating selection.   [Please select]


They wanted more recruits, provided the applicants were of the right sort.   [Please select]

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applicant - applicants - application