Definitionadj. having or resembling a stinger or barb
Last update: July 29, 2015
This has been found to be the case in insects so widely different as Orthoptera and Aculeate Hymenoptera. [Please select]
{4} The vast majority of the aculeate Hymenoptera are what are called "solitary", i. [Please select]
Sagittae: the inner pair of forceps in male genitalia of aculeate Hymenoptera: see stipites. [Please select]
Spatha: a median piece in male genitalia of aculeate Hymenoptera, covering the bases of the sagitte. [Please select]
Stipites: the outer pair of forceps in male genitalia of aculeate Hymenoptera see sagittae. [Please select]
Some fossors are subject to the depredations of cuckoos, just as the solitary bees are, but their cuckoos are rarely of aculeate origin. [Please select]
Aculeate: prickly; armed with short, sharp spines; specifically, in Hymenoptera furnished with a sting which is a modified ovipositor and connected with a poison sac. [Please select]
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