I have a real issue with parents with unruly kids that misbehave in public. [adjective]
At the hearing, evidence was given about Purcell 's unruly behavior. [adjective]
"There they go, well matched," said Oldbuck, looking after them as they started--"a mad horse and a wild boy, the two most unruly creatures in Christendom." [adjective]
Here are words which, uttered, or rather thundered, with proper emphasis, and in measured time, shall quiet the most unruly temper: "'Why rage the heathen furiously'." [adjective]
My mistress, the Countess, persevered and said, Elspeth Cheyne, this unruly boy will marry with the false English blood. [adjective]
--The dragoons will be crying for ale, and they wunna want it, and maunna want it--they are unruly chields, but they pay ane some gate or other. [adjective]
At first she tossed about, and was very unruly. [adjective]
Every little while he tossed the unruly hair from his eyes, and peered round as if searching for somebody. [adjective]
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