Sentence example with the word 'acquiescent'


abject, affirmative, complaisant, content, fain, in the mood, nonresistive, prone, servile, unreluctant

Definition adj. willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest

Last update: July 20, 2015


Racial antipathies were unimportant, and all parties were at least passively acquiescent when Louisiana became a part of the United States.   [Please select]


"Very well," said Anna-Felicitas, who was the most amiable, acquiescent person in the world.   [Please select]


So that my only plan is to go on being suave and acquiescent.   [Please select]


The girl was stupid, acquiescent; she had shown no tact, no skill, no clarifying courage.   [Please select]


"Go way," he added, to the female, who, with an acquiescent smile, left the room.   [Please select]


Over the graves I saw the roses, nodding and moving, as if in acquiescent revery.   [Please select]


It is curious how acquiescent a man's mind becomes--when he's like this.   [Please select]


The acquiescent tendency arose in some degree from two equally prominent characteristics of Mr.   [Please select]


She sat very still, conscious of vague pain somewhere in her breast, acquiescent in the consciousness, dumb, and now incurious concerning further details of this man's tragedy.   [Please select]


She tried, very meekly, to meet his mood; was submissive to his passion and acquiescent to those intervals when he withdrew himself and sat or stood near her, not touching her but watching her intently.   [Please select]

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acquiescences - acquiescent - acquiescently