The donor of the gift asked the college not to mention him by name; the dean readily agreed to respect his anonymity. [Please select]
He works for a nuclar energy and all of a sudden he vanished in anonymity. [Please select]
For anonymity, the famous actress wore dark glasses and a baseball cap while walking in the park. [Please select]
The madam reassured her wealthy clients that anonymity was a rule in her business. [Please select]
But in September 1799 under strong pressure from the Russian emperor Paul, the Danish government forbade anonymity, and introduced a limited censorship. [Please select]
This personal note affords a sharp contrast to the anonymity of the Middle Ages. [Please select]
Her only chance there--or with us--would have been in her absolute anonymity. [Please select]
It was agreed that the donor should remain in strict anonymity, an understanding which has been adhered to until the present writing. [Please select]
That's why it is pleasant in this grimy anonymity of death and courage to get reminders, such as your letter, that one was once localised and had a familiar history. [Please select]
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