Harassed by these domestic troubles, the king could not carry out his intention of sailing for Flanders in the spring, and spent the greater part of the campaigning season in wrangles with his subjects. [Please select]
Other church wrangles led to an emigration from Massachusetts to the Connecticut valley, where a little confederacy of towns was created and called Connecticut. [Please select]
For a young woman to see a collision, denotes she will be unable to decide between lovers, and will be the cause of wrangles. [Please select]
My first meeting was strongly reminiscent of old political wrangles in the Cranbourne Division. [Please select]
The things that had filled his days seemed now like a nursery parody of life, or like the wrangles of mediaeval schoolmen over metaphysical terms that nobody had ever understood. [Please select]
Stanton's ideas, but she opposed this excursion into religious controversy because she was sure it would stir up futile wrangles among the suffragists and keep Mrs. [Please select]
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