There were fairies, too, in the bower; four little whitethroats were flitting about in the sunshine. [Please select]
My attention was first drawn to this fact by a struggle between two female Whitethroats, which I have described elsewhere. [Please select]
The experiments with the Blackbirds and the Whitethroats gave the most interesting results. [Please select]
Of the two experiments made with young Whitethroats, one was made under favourable and the other under unfavourable conditions. [Please select]
On the 30th May, a nest of Whitethroats three days old was removed at 7. [Please select]
In all, there were twenty-four Whitethroats, nine Willow-Warblers, eight Sedge-Warblers, and six Wheatears; and on dissection it was found that twenty Whitethroats, seven Willow-Warblers, eight Sedge-Warblers, and one Wheatear were males. [Please select]
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