In the earliest land vegetations of which we have any sufficient record specialized forms of Equisetales, Lycopodiales, Sphenophyllales and Filicales existed, so that we are reduced to hypotheses founded on the careful comparison of the recent and extinct members of these groups. [Please select]
If these should occur, obstructed breathing due to adenoid vegetations is sometimes at work as a contributory cause. [Please select]
Removal of tonsils and adenoid vegetations might conceivably cure an enuresis which is nocturnal, it cannot account for an incontinence which spreads to the day. [Please select]
The vegetations also seem to be no longer there, and by August, 1916, there had been no relapse. [Please select]
Night-terrors are said to be aggravated by nasal obstruction due to adenoid vegetations. [Please select]
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