Sentence example with the word 'veered'


Last update: September 21, 2015


Continually aimed at securing the person of his nephew, the king of Scots; while Margaret veered from faction to faction without any settled policy, unless it were the "erection" of her son, i.e.   [Please select]


The ship veered crazily; and at the some moment, Frank, who was standing where Jack had been a moment before, heard something swish past.   [Please select]


His voice, steady and grave, came to her through hushed intervals when the noise of the surf died out as the wind veered seaward.   [Please select]


Finally, when the vintner veered into the Adlergasse, he stopped, his hands clenched, his teeth hard upon each other.   [Please select]


Gretchen, casually noting that an officer stood in the way, sensibly veered into the road.   [Please select]


Carmichael watched them till they veered round a corner, and then he returned to the consulate.   [Please select]


] "And as to catch the gale Round veered the flapping sail, Death."   [Please select]

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vedettes - veered - veeries