Sentence example with the word 'vaguer'


Last update: October 16, 2015


Over against this " valid " mechanism, in some truer but vaguer region, Kant placed free will; and so left things.   [Please select]


She had only the vaguest idea how he earned a living, and a still vaguer one of what that living represented.   [Please select]


"The darker, vaguer phases of beauty," he said to Eileen, smiling, "attract and fascinate those young in experience."   [Please select]


Terrifically greater, more overpowering than man, the desert was yet also somehow less than man, feebler, vaguer.   [Please select]


In general the higher the ideal the vaguer and less vivid is its presentation to our consciousness.   [Please select]


Then on each side came a vaguer row of three backs, persons of gentler disposition or maturer years.   [Please select]


But it was not these considerations that darkened her full handsome face as she went up the steps of her big, widespread country mansion; it was some vaguer, more subtle discontent.   [Please select]

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vaguenesses - vaguer - vaguest