The sick are a source of danger and one means of dissemination, and, since the illness may be so slight as to pass unrecognized, an obviously insidious one. [Please select]
Such systems may indeed be living in our midst unrecognized; but historical perspective cannot safely be anticipated. [Please select]
Finding his efforts unrecognized, the serenader finally desisted, and they heard the dipping of his paddle as he departed. [Please select]
Gora Dwight had no beauty, but she never passed unnoticed in a crowd, even if unrecognized. [Please select]
He was tortured by a thousand devils, he was possessed by dreams and fancies hitherto strange and unrecognized. [Please select]
That he was part of the driftwood left stranded and unrecognized on the intellectual shore was enough. [Please select]
"He's an unrecognized genius, and now he's getting old, poor fellow." [Please select]
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