Sentence example with the word 'unmilitary'


Definition adj. not associated with soldiers or the military

Last update: October 23, 2015


This decision was subsequently sharply criticized by Clinton as unmilitary, and as having been made contrary to his instructions.   [Please select]


"I must ask someone who knows," he thought, and addressed an officer who was looking with curiosity at his huge unmilitary figure.   [Please select]


Undoubtedly there was the finest material among the men lounging about their quarters at Cambridge in fashion so unmilitary.   [Please select]


"At any rate," pursued the captain, evading the point, "our whole system is wrong; I'm convinced of it; it is totally unmilitary."'   [Please select]


Promptly into the butler's sash behind went fingers used to delving into more unmilitary improprieties than any ten civilians could think of.   [Please select]


I was silenced so quickly that I felt that possibly I had suggested an unmilitary movement.   [Please select]


At this period, the unmilitary youth of England were not affectionately coddled by their friends.   [Please select]

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unmet - unmilitary - unmilled