Sentence example with the word 'universals'


Last update: August 7, 2015


The view (traceable no doubt to the Aristotelian definition) that equity mitigates the hardships of the law where the law errs through being framed in universals, is to be found in some of the earlier writings.   [Please select]


But in his ethical inquiries his search was ever for universals, and he was the first to set his mind to the discovery of definitions.   [Please select]


Yet in a sense these universals are what men find hardest to apprehend, because they stand at the furthest extremity from the perceptions of sense.   [Please select]


Then suppose that we begin in our old fashion, with the doctrine of universals.   [Please select]


He means to say that the higher faculties have to do with universals, the lower with particulars of sense.   [Please select]


How universals are formed; and what are the five common, viz.   [Please select]


Their scepticism about Universals thus overleapt itself, and fell on the other side, into obscurantist ecclesiasticism.   [Please select]

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universally - universals - universe