Sentence example with the word 'subterminal'


Definition adj. near but not precisely at an end

Last update: June 15, 2015


With the mouth into a single exterior opening), there is a terminal opening, the rhynchostome (subterminal in Valencinia), at the foremost tip of the body, out of which the proboscis is seen shooting backwards and forwards, sometimes with so much force that both its interior attachments are severed and it is entirely expelled from the body.   [Please select]


All the cover hairs are gray basally; some have a buffy band terminally and others have a buffy subterminal band with a terminal black tip.   [Please select]


In most juvenal mice, the yellow to ochraceous pigments of the subterminal bands are reduced or absent.   [Please select]


_ The zooecia are tubular and have a terminal or subterminal orifice, which is angulate or subangulate as seen from above.   [Please select]


_ "Top and sides of head and back grayish brown; quills dusky, tipped with white; tail with subterminal band of dusky; rest of tail, under parts, forehead, and eyelids white."   [Please select]


Orifice subterminal, distinctly on the dorsal surface; main axis of the zooecium horizontal (the zoarium being viewed from the dorsal surface); buds not produced at the tip of the zooecia PALUDICELLA, p.   [Please select]

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subterfuges - subterminal - subterranean